I’m getting an uneasy feeling about the handbags. Maybe because it’s an unneeded item these days and the economy is rough for many people. I’m not telling you it won’t work, but I’m getting an uneasy psychic sense about it.
If you are serious about income, I would look into something that people need even when times are rough. I am in a similar situation and signed up to lifeleap’s affiliate program which is something that people need regardless of the economy. This is the type of thing I’m talking about.
I think $250 is a low goal. Shoot for something higher, think big. You deserve it. I’m picking up some self esteem/success/confidence issues that you need to face about this. Why not $1000 or $10,00? It’s not out of your reach if you are smart about it.
My psychic sense is that you do have what it takes to be successful, and it won’t be as hard as you may think it is. Just make you make smart choices from the start or you could be putting your energy into a sinking ship. My psychic sense is this is the first thing you need to do along with reading more business books. Come up with a solid goal and decide what you need to do to get there. I still get that you are scattered about this. Scattered people get scattered results. Hope this helps.